This article throws light upon the nine main factors that determine the success of a manager. The factors are: 1. Ability to Think 2. Technical Ability 3. Clear Expression 4. Knowledge of Human Relations and Behaviour 5. Broad View 6. Organisational Ability 7. Moral Integrity 8. Good Salesmanship 9. Dynamic Personality.

Factor # 1. Ability to Think:

It is easy to do, to act, to perform, but difficult to think-and think clearly and purposefully. Ability to think in clear terms and with definite purpose in view is the must for a manager to succeed. He must be able to think.

Factor # 2. Technical Ability:

Though a manager need not be a technician, it is necessary that he possesses the necessary degree of technical competence relating to his field. This would assist him to manage effectively.

Factor # 3. Clear Expression:

It has been seen that one of the functions of manger is to direct his subordinates. Effective communication depends upon clarity of expression. Even the best conceived idea or instruction is worthless unless it can b6 communicated. Therefore, a manager must be able to express his idea clearly.

Factor # 4. Knowledge of Human Relations and Behaviour:


A manager must keep in mind that he has to lead his subordinates and not to drive them. He should possess adequate knowledge of the factors and forces which go to ensure good relations, motivate people into the best of their performance and generate cooperative and competent human behaviour.

Factor # 5. Broad View:

A manager must be able to take into consideration the overall effect of his functioning on the company as a whole. Sectarian view, thinking in terms of “my department,” “my section” is not conducive to the smooth working of the company. Therefore, a manager must take a comprehensive view of each of his action. He must possess the ability to think broadly.

Factor # 6. Organisational Ability:

A manager must be a good organiser. Ability to organise well is a quality of vital importance to make a successful manager.

Factor # 7. Moral Integrity:

A manager must enjoy the unshakable confidence of both his superiors and subordinates. Both as a person and in his actions he must be known as a man of high moral integrity. He must remember the saying that it is not enough to be good, one must also appear to be good.

Factor # 8. Good Salesmanship:


A manager must be a good salesman. The ware he sells in his ideas. However good an idea or plan of action conceived by him may be, unless he is able to convince his subordinates (and superiors) of its worth, he cannot put it into action. Convincing others of the worth of his idea-selling his idea to others—is a decisive part of the communication and motivation part of a manager’s functions.

Factor # 9. Dynamic Personality:

A manager must possess the desire to move ahead, to introduce change for better, to do something new. He must always look for doing something bigger and better.

Thus, dynamism, knowledge of motivation, emotional stability, persuasive capacity (good “salesmanship”), moral integrity, technical competence, broad mindedness, clarity of expression and ability to think are the qualities which go to make a successful manager.

After analysing the above views, it can be concluded that administration is a wide term and management and organisation are its components.
