Monitoring of employees is very essential processes in an organisation for overall improvement in the performance management process.

Usually management at the top, plans for performance management system in the organisation and the employees working under them are required to execute the plan.

Learn about:-

1. Introduction to Monitoring Employees 2. Benefits of Monitoring Employees 3. Objectives 4. Principles 5. Process.

Employee Monitoring: Introduction, Importance, Objectives, Principles and Process

Employee MonitoringIntroduction 

Monitoring and mentoring are both very essential processes in an organisation for overall improvement in the performance management process. Usually management at the top, plans for performance management system in the organisation and the employees working under them are required to execute the plan.

When monitoring happens, the problems and grey areas in the implementation of the performance management system can be easily identified, and remedial measures can be adopted immediately. This saves future losses of, time, money and productivity.

Employee Monitoring 3 Main Benefits

Given below are the benefits of monitoring process:

1. Prevents Business Disruption:

Constant monitoring helps to identify the defects in the performance at an early stage and remedial measures can be taken up immediately. Hence early identification of errors and problems in the performance improvement programme helps the mentor to identify future course of action and business disruptions can be prevented successfully. As monitoring is always followed by providing timely feedback, this also ensures good quality of service and timely service.

2. Rapid and Successful Development of New Technologies:

Since monitoring happens on a regular basis, the management understands the capabilities of the employees for undertaking challenges. Once the strengths and weaknesses of the employees are identified, it becomes easy for the organisation to plan for the acquisition and installment of latest technology for rapid development of the organisation.

3. Increase Customer Acquisition and Retention:

Quality is the basis of every activity that is conducted in the organisation. Hence if the customers are happy they will bring in more customers who would like to stay on for a longer period of time. Also by monitoring the progress of employees, it becomes simple for the management to make the employees quality conscious and this in turn helps the organisation in attracting new customers and retain customer base as long as possible.

Employee Monitoring3 Main Objectives

The objectives of monitoring performance are as follows:

1. Evaluating the effectiveness of the implemented measures and determining whether additional measures are required;

2. Monitoring the improvement of the native vegetation / fauna habitat within the Project Area over time; and

3. Assessing progress towards meeting the success criteria.

Employee Monitoring – Top 5 Principles

1. Do a Performance Improvement Analysis:

First, measure the frequency of behaviour (what the individual says or the physical movements made) and the outputs (the physical evidence of completed work produced by those behaviours) prior to any management change. This analysis can be done for just one behaviour and output or for many by job category, department and organisation.

Through this analysis, one measures present performance, establishes standards, specifies why behaviour is deficient, calculates the net economic value of improvement after the cost of solutions, and places them in priority order. The result of this analysis is identification of potentially high-payoff behaviours and outputs that can be improved – an important first step, because, surprisingly, key behaviours and outputs are often overlooked or undervalued in organisations.

The next step is to introduce the procedures used in Performance Management and quantify the amount of change that occurs in specific time periods. Because the investment in changing behaviour is often very low and the economic payoffs may be high, the potential high return on investment usually excites top management.

2. Be Specific:

Describe and communicate desired performances and the standards for judging them in terms that are measurable, observable and objective. A description of the events that are signals prompting the response should be included. In training, coaching, measuring performance, feeding back performance data, conducting a performance appraisal, writing procedures, and delivering positive reinforcement, it is essential to be specific. Unfortunately, if the language used is vague, the desired behaviour may not occur.

3. Measure:

For any performance shown by the analysis to have sufficient economic value to an organisation, measure the frequency of the performance against the desired standards. While most organisations measure some performance, there are, unfortunately, many key outputs and behaviours that are not measured.

4. Give Feedback:

Provide feedback on performance to the individual involved and to the individual’s manager, supervisor, or group leader, rapidly-preferably immediately-with sufficient information to allow for self-correction. Too often, feedback systems for many key behaviours and outputs are either absent or flawed.

5. Deliver Positive Consequences:

Deliver to each individual positive consequences immediately after completion of the performance of the desired behaviours and outputs. The frequency of an individual’s behaviour is affected by the consequences that follow it. If the consequences are positive to that individual, the behaviour tends to increase; if they are negative, the behaviour tends to decrease.

Consequences should be delivered for as long as the performance is desired, or until naturally occurring consequences are strong enough to support the behaviour. How frequently you provide positive consequences is determined by how often the behaviour occurs, the phase of behaviour change you are in (causing the first new behaviour to occur, changing its frequency, or maintaining it) and the pattern of responses you desire (steady, maximum output, peak for certain periods, etc.)

Unfortunately, in many organisations the wrong consequence system is in place. Consequences of desired behaviour are often negative or neutral. Undesired behaviour may be rewarded. The rein forcers are badly delayed. They are delivered only on a group basis (annual company-wide profit sharing). The rewards are short-lived for behaviour that is desired long-term. And almost always the positive reinforcement is too infrequent.

Employee Monitoring – Process

1. Conducting a Readiness Assessment – Before implementing the monitoring process in the organisation, it must be ensured that the employees working in the organisation are ready for it, because the success of any new system depends upon how the employees perceive it. And hence to check whether employees are ready to accept the monitoring process or not, the readiness assessment is conducted.

2. Agreeing on Outcomes to Monitor and Evaluate – Once the readiness of the employees is ascertained regarding the process of monitoring, the outcomes to be achieved are decided. This happens mutually. This way, the employees understand what they need to achieve in the particular time period and management understands what they need to monitor during that particular time period.

3. Selecting Key Indicators to Monitor Outcomes – This includes the scale that will be used for assessing the performance, the points at which observations will be made, and the frequency with which the outcomes will be measured and recorded.

4. Baseline Data on each Indicator – This includes writing a brief description about each performance indicator. Like what you want to achieve, where are you today, where you want to go? This is still in the planning phase.

5. Planning for Improvement – During this stage the results targets are selected, so that it becomes easier during monitoring the performance of the employees as to what outcomes to expect and how to measure them against the standards.

6. Monitoring for Results – Results must be made the focus of prime importance while planning for implementing the monitoring process in the organisation. When the process becomes results specific, the system becomes more concrete and concise.

7. Write a Rough Draft of the Monitoring and Evaluation System – Once the plan is ready, the responsible persons need to share the same with the experienced people in the organisation. This helps to identify loopholes if any, in the process and can be eliminated beforehand so that the process is flawless. Make the necessary changes and make the document out for public reference.