Here is a term paper on ‘Recruitment, Selection and Placement of Candidates’ especially written for school and college students.

Term Paper on Recruitment of Candidates:

Once the manpower requirements are determined, the process of recruitment begins. It is the process of identifying sources of potential employees and encouraging them to apply for jobs in the organisation. Recruitment aims at securing qualified and potential applicants for the job.

It is the first step in the employment process which aims at developing and maintaining adequate resources upon whom the organisation can depend on. It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation.

According to Edwin B. Flippo, “Recruitment is the process of searching candidates for employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation.” So it is a linking activity of bringing together those offering jobs and those seeking jobs.


Dale S. Beach has observed “Recruitment is the development and maintenance of adequate manpower resources. It involves the creation of pool of available labour upon whom the organisation can draw when it needs additional employees.”

So recruitment is the positive process of employment. It refers to the attempt of getting interested applicants and providing a pool of prospective employees so that management can select the right person for the right job from this pool. It precedes the selection process.

Sources of Recruitment:

Sources of manpower supply can be classified into two broad categories:

(a) Internal and


(b) External.

(a) Internal Sources of Recruitment:

Internal sources of recruitment means promotion of employees or transfer of employees. Many organisations have established a policy of promotion from within the organisation.

Its merits are:


(i) It creates a healthy and progressive atmosphere.

(ii) It minimises the cost of training.

(iii) It reduces the rate of labour turnover.

(iv) It creates a sense of security among employees.


(v) It facilitates employees to develop their knowledge and skill.


This means shifting an employee from one job to another. At the time of transfer the organisation is to ensure about the capabilities of employee to perform the new job. It involves parallel or horizontal shifting of employees.



Many organisations follow the practice of filling higher jobs by promoting employees who are considered fit for such positions.

The merits of this are:

(i) Motivates employees to improve their performance.

(ii) Increases the morale of the employees.


(iii) Promotes industrial peace in organisation.

(iv) Economical method of getting right people compared to external sources.

The demerits are:

(i) It limits the incoming of fresh talent.


(ii) The employees may become lethargic if they are sure of time bound promotions.

(iii) The competitive spirit of employees is hampered.

(iv) Frequent transfers may reduce the overall productivity of the organisation.

(b) External Sources:

It is always not possible to recruit the employees from within the organisation. External sources are resorted to when the organisational requirements cannot be met by the present employees, recruitment at the time of expansion of the firm and to fill up the vacancies at the lowest level.

The commonly used outside sources are:


(i) Direct recruitment

(ii) Unsolicited applications

(iii) Advertisements

(iv) Employment agencies

(v) Educational institutions

(vi) Contact through present employees


(vii) Trade unions

(viii) Leasing or deputations.  

Term Paper on Selection of Candidates:

The process of selection begins after receiving an adequate number of applications for prospective candidates from different sources of recruitment.

The process of selection results in employment of persons having the right potentials and qualifications to perform jobs which have fallen vacant in an organisation. The basic object of selection is to choose the light type of candidates to man various positions in an organisation. To achieve this purpose a well organised selection procedure is adopted.

According to Dale Yoder “Selection is the process in which candidates for employment are divided into two classes-those who are offered employment and those who are not.” So selection is a process by which qualified personnel can be chosen from the applicants who have offered their services to the organisation for employment.

It is a tool in the hands of management to differentiate the qualified and unqualified applicants by applying various techniques like interview, tests etc.; so it is a negative process of employment in which a few qualify for the job are offered employment and others are denied opportunities.


It is a decision-making process where the management decides certain norms and principles to be followed with the object of segregating the qualified and unqualified candidates. A sound selection policy will ensure selection of a suitable candidate.

Term Paper on Placement of Candidates:

The main problem after final selection is to place him on some suitable job. So placement refers to the act of offering the job to a finally selected candidate. The selection procedure ends with the placement of worker to the job. Pigors and Myres observe that, “Placement has an experimental element. But for most employees it is a decisive step and it should consist in matching what the job demands imposes and offers.”

In this quotation the term demands of the job mean the job requirement, the term imposes refer to the working conditions and the term offers mean the remuneration package, promotional possibilities and interaction with fellow employees.

A new employee is appointed on a probation ranging between 3 months to 12 months. During this period, he is tried on different jobs. In case his performance is satisfactory during probation he is offered a permanent post for which he is more suitable. An employee is not found suitable, the management may transfer him to some other job where he may be expected to do something better.

Otherwise he may be discharged from employment. So the probation period is a transition period at the end of which management can take a decision whether the employee should be observed as a regular employee or he may be discharged as his performance was not satisfactory and he is not showing any signs of improvement.

Induction and Orientation:

Induction means introduction of a new employee to the job that has been assigned to him, his fellow employees and to the organisation. The process of induction and orientation is referred to as induction.


The induction process has two purposes:

(a) Familiarizing the new employee with his new surroundings and the company’s rules and regulations.

(b) Integrating the personal needs with the organisational goals.

The induction has two phases. In the first phase the employee familiarise with the following namely company’s history, products and major operations, structure of the organisation, functions of various departments, general policies, and practices of the company regarding pay, working conditions and opportunities for promotion, transfer etc. In the second phase his immediate boss gets him acquainted with the job, group working conditions and establishing rapport with his immediate superior.