In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction to Customer Satisfaction Survey 2. Need for Customer Satisfaction Survey 3. Steps.

Introduction to Customer Satisfaction Survey:

Customer satisfaction survey is an excellent way to measure whether or not business is meeting its customers’ expectations. Customer satisfaction surveys should be a core tool for any business. Customer satisfaction surveys bring to light prob­lems that need to be addressed and problems that left unattended, which may even­tually lead to customer turnover and a loss of profits. By regularly conducting customer satisfaction surveys, the company can build trust with its customers.

Customer satisfaction surveys are a very cost-effective way to identify what businesses need to do to execute changes and achieve breakthrough increases in customer satisfaction, customer engagement and loyalty, generating increases in sales and profit. Achieving consistently high levels of customer satisfaction is one of the best ways for any company to compete effectively, grow their customer base and increase profit.

Need for Customer Satisfaction Survey:

Customer satisfaction surveys are carried out for following reasons:


a. To assess the level of customer satisfaction with a particular product, service or experience.

b. To find if company’s representatives are professional, polite and helpful.

c. To check if customer service issues are handled properly and in a timely manner.

d. To check if there is a growing market trend that needs to be addressed.


e. To check if their website is easy to navigate.

f. To check any problems with product quality.

g. To find out any problems with shipping or delivery.

h. To check if companies have a favourable business location, store layout, parking lot etc.


i. To identify communications problems within and across organizational units, which is a significant cause of dissatisfaction and poor performance.

Steps in Conducting Customer Satisfaction Survey:

The reason for a survey is to gather information from customers to enhance company’s relationship with them and provider better services in the future. It is very important in today’s marketplace to make sure that companies have happy customers.


The steps in conduction a customer satisfaction survey are:

Step 1:

The first step in conducting a customer satisfaction survey is to determine which customers a company wants to survey. The goal for the survey is either for improving service or to gather information about what customers would like the company to provide in addition to what they are getting.


Step 2:

The next step is to decide upon the way of conducting the survey. The survey is to be done in personal way or over the telephone or by e-mail.

Step 3:

The next step is to make every customer understand that there is a single purpose to the survey. It is not a sales call. Be very clear, that company appreciate their honesty and need them to be honest when answering the survey questions to improve serving them.


Step 4:

Those questions should be asked in survey, which allow the customer to impart information about what is most important to them.

Step 5:

The next step is to summarize all the answers given by the customers and check its correctness by repeating the answers.


Step 6:

The next step is to ask the customers about improvements they would like to see.

Step 7:

The last step is to thank the customer for providing required information.