After reading this article you will learn about the first aid treatment of electric shock.

1. If the casualty is in contact with or in close proximity to the ‘live’ apparatus or line DO NOT TOUCH him until the electric supply has been isolated or switch off electric supply. If this is not possible, protect yourself with DRY insulating material and pull or push the casualty clear of the apparatus or line.

2. Then send for qualified medical assistance, and in the meantime, give first-aid treat­ment to the casualty as follows:

(a) Make the casualty as comfortable as possible.


(b) Loosen any tight clothing.

(c) Given tactful reassurances.

(d) DO NOT give any liquid to drunk.

3. If the casualty is stopped breathing, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation must be started immediately.


(i) Clear the throat of fluid or any other item by sweeping around the mouth with finger

(ii) Place the head in the extended neck position.

(iii) Close the nostrils by pinching lightly with thumb and forefinger.

(iv) Take a deep breath and then make an air tight seal with your mouth over the casualty’s mouth and breathe into the casualty. Watch the chest rise.


(v) Remove your mouth, and watch the chest fall.

(vi) Repeat as in (iv) and (v) above about 12 times every minute until casualty begins to breath.

4. If mouth-to-mouth resuscitation is not practicable, follow ‘Holger Nielson Method’ to respiration as follows:

(i) Lay the casualty face downwards, head to one side, forehead resting on the hands, placed one above the other.


(ii) Remove any artificial teeth of other matter from the mouth.

(iii) Kneel on one knee by the casualty’s head, one foot by causality’s elbow.

(iv) Place the palm of your hands on the casualty’s shoulder blades. Lean forward until your arms are vertical. Press lightly; force of about 10 to 14 kg is sufficient for about two and a half seconds.

(v) Release the pressure by allowing your hands to slide along the casualty’s arms to his elbows (taking one second), then raise the causality’s arms and shoulders slightly, pulling at the same time by facing yourself backwards (taking two and a half seconds). Lower the casualty’s arms and return your hands to the casualty’s shoulder-blades.


(vi) Repeat the movements, taking seven-seconds for each complete respiration, until the casualty breathes of his own or qualified medical help arrives.