After reading this article you will learn about the meaning and guidelines of delegation.

Meaning of Delegation:

As defined by Lauis A Allen “Delegation is a process, a manager follows in dividing the work assigned to him so that he can perform that part which only he, because of his unique organisational placement, can perform effectively and so that he can get others to help him with that remains.” The need for delegation arises mainly from the natural limitations of the human being.

Following are some of the limitations which compel for delegation:

1. The tasks involved in management are too large for any one particular person be­cause of large amount of responsibilities, mental energy etc.


2. Modern business involves skill in different fields which one person cannot have. Thus even if a person has sufficient time and energy, he himself cannot have enough skill for performing all kinds of work. Thus accounting matters may be delegated to an accountant, legal matters to a lawyer and so on.

3. Large scale business has branches or units spread over several places. Delegation is very necessary for running those branches situated far away from head office.

4. By delegating authority and responsibility, highest authority is relieved and he is free to take decisions in more complicated affairs and he can devote more time for the development and planning work.

Although delegation of authority and responsibility is in the favour of both the superior and subordinates, but there is reluctance on the part of the superiors in delegation.


Some of the reasons for this reluctance are given hereunder:

1. Some of the executives want that they must have maximum powers in order to have a tight control over their subordinates and they do not want to delegate these powers.

2. Sometimes delegator feels that his subordinate is not competent for the delegation of these powers and he is not capable of doing the jobs, which the boss wants to delegate.

3. Sometimes boss may be afraid of his subordinate outshining him.


Thus these are the main problems in the way of delegation and superiors do not want to delegate sufficient powers to their subordinates. Sometimes subordinates are also not compe­tent to use proper authority and they misuse the power.

Guidelines of Delegation:

To overcome the problems, following are the guidelines for the executives for delegation of authority and responsibility:

1. Establish the Goals:

While to establish the task for a subordinate it is necessary that his objects must be stated clearly, his duties must be specified so that he must be clear in mind as to what he has to perform.


2. Define the Authority and Responsibilities:

A subordinate must be delegated with sufficient authority and responsibility. If a subordinate has less authority than that desired, he has to refer the case to his boss again and again and the work will thus be delayed and he cannot be held responsible.

Similarly, if he is delegated with more authority, there are chances for misuse of authority. Generally most of the firms maintain detailed organisation manuals, giving clearly duties, responsibilities, powers (authorities) for each of the officer of the concern.

3. Motivate Subordinates:


Delegation is useful if an atmosphere for it exists in the con­cern. Atmosphere for delegation includes team work, mutual confidence etc.

4. Provide Proper Check and Control:

Delegates must exercise proper control over his subordinates after delegation, to see that the goals fixed by him are adhered to properly as regards to quantity, quality and time is concerned and the authority delegated to him are prop­erly utilised. Proper control also facilitates in knowing the difficulties being experienced in achieving the object and the solution can be made at proper time.

5. Provide Proper Training:


Proper training can be given to the subordinate to explain his duties, authorities and responsibilities and he may be trained to tackle different problems arising in course of discharging his duties and in using that authority.

6. Discipline:

Discipline can be defined as respect directed towards achieving obedience and respect. This is very necessary for efficient working of an enterprise. Discipline can also be defined as the employee’s self-control to meet organisational standards and objectives.

7. Unity of Command:


This means that employee should get orders and instructions from one boss only. No worker should be placed under the control of more than one supervisor. This avoids confusion, shifting of responsibilities and delays in doing the work.

8. Unity of Direction:

This means that each group of activities or functions should be less than one head to avoid confusion and to have clarity in working.
