After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Components of the Advertising Job 2. Decision Areas in Advertising 3. Role.

Components of the Advertising Job:

The components of advertising job include:

1. Defining the advertising objectives to be accomplished.

2. Determination the audience to whom the message is to be aimed.

3. Deciding the advertising appropriations.

4. Choosing the media.

5. Selecting the advertising appeal to the used.

6. Constructing the actual advertisement and pretesting its efficiency.

7. Coordinating advertising efforts with the real rest of the promotional programme

Decision Areas in Advertising:

In any product advertising, decision maker or the advertising planner has to work within the broad framework of the marketing plan of the firm. Because advertising is one of the tools that has to be effectively used for attaining the marketing objectives, the advertising decision maker functions in a world of uncertainties.

There is a host of factors imposing constraints on his job. He has to take into account factors like his company’s image in the market, the competitive position of the product or brand he is advertising, the advantages or short comings of his competitors.

He has also to take into account the environmental factors in which he is operating, government restrictions/legal controls, existing social values and the slowly changing life styles of people.

Any change in any of these aspects will have some direct impact on his role as an advertising communicator. This means that he is partly working in the present with a part of his mind in the future. He has to feel the present and shape the future.

Role of Advertising as Persuader:

The ultimate intention of any advertising message is to influence the purchase behaviour of consumer in a way favourable to the advertiser. It is essentially a process of persuation. How does an advertising message achieve this end?

The first requirement is that the advertisement should capture the attention of its audience. In other words, the advertisement has to get through the attention filter of its target audience.

To achieve this, an advertisement has to provide them with the type of information that is interesting to them. It may give them new information, it may support the information they already have, or it may attempt to alter their existing views or beliefs.

In any case, the advertising message should interest them. Some people may listen to information that is communicated through stories, others may listen to figures and data, others to information that is couched in real experience situations, and still others, may wish to avoid unpleasant information, or information that upset their existing faith and beliefs.

So it is that an advertisement should be of interest to the audience only then the audience will pay attention to it. It is also essential that the audience perceive it and interpret it in a way favourable to the advertiser. The same advertising message under a given setting can be perceived and interpreted by different people in different ways.

One may find optimism, another boredom, and yet another aggression, in the same message. An array of ‘audience conditions’ such as needs, desires, status, values and motives of the audience affect their interpretation of a message. So an advertising communicator has to ensure that his message is interpreted in a way favourable to his product.

It is not enough if the audience listens to the advertisement and interprets it, the way the advertising communicator expects it to be interpreted. It should also appeal to it and influence its thought processes and purchase behaviour in favour of the advertised brand, only then the advertising communicator can accomplish his task.
