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Exam Questions on the Dynamics of Marketing | India | Marketing

Some of the frequently asked exam questions on the dynamics of marketing are as follows:  Q.1. Define the term marketing dynamics and explain some of its different aspects or elements. Ans. The entire process of marketing manage­ment science system right from the ascertainment and assessment of marketing environment via analysis of market segments, marketing channels, competi­tion, publics, and micro-environment variables [...]

By |2017-03-04T15:07:46+05:30March 4, 2017|Marketing|Comments Off on Exam Questions on the Dynamics of Marketing | India | Marketing

Exam Questions on Marketing Strategy and Its Components | India

Some of the frequently asked exam questions on marketing strategy and its components are as follows: Q.1. What do you mean by strategic marketing deci­sions? Ans. Strategic marketing decisions are primarily concerned with exter­nal, rather than internal, marketing problems of the firm and specifically with the selection of: (a) The product-mix which the firm will produce, (b) The market segments [...]

By |2017-03-04T15:07:45+05:30March 4, 2017|Exam Questions|Comments Off on Exam Questions on Marketing Strategy and Its Components | India

Exam Questions on Sales Promotion | Sales | Marketing

Some of the frequently asked exam questions on sales promotion and management are as follows: Q.1. “Salesman are Born. They are not made.” Discuss. Ans. In India sales management has been gaining importance only in recent years. This apathy is due to 'production-oriented' marketing policy adopted by the business firms. The conditions are changing and the marketing-guided sales management has [...]

By |2017-03-04T15:07:44+05:30March 4, 2017|Exam Questions|Comments Off on Exam Questions on Sales Promotion | Sales | Marketing
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