Tag Archives | Objectives

Difference between Official and Operative Objectives of Company

The upcoming discussion will update you on the difference between the official and operative objectives of a company. Difference between Official and Operative Objectives of the Company Official objectives, also termed as organisational objectives or corporate objectives, are those that are made known to anybody including outsiders through public statements. In the case of a company formed under the company [...]

By |2023-02-19T18:36:13+05:30March 4, 2017|Difference Between|Comments Off on Difference between Official and Operative Objectives of Company

Setting Objectives for a Manager: 6 Stages

Objectives for the manager are set in the following stages: 1. Analyse the Manager's Authority and Responsibility 2. Compare Goals with Managers Job 3. Initial Definition of Objectives 4. Determining the Units of Measure 5. Select Specific Targets 6. Discussion with the Manager. Stage # 1. Analyse the Manager's Authority and Responsibility: After knowing goals for the company, division or [...]

By |2016-11-02T06:00:31+05:30November 2, 2016|Business Management|Comments Off on Setting Objectives for a Manager: 6 Stages

Individual Objectives and Organisational Objectives

After reading this article you will learn about the compatibility of individual objectives to organisational objectives. Both individual and organisational objectives can be fulfilled without undue sac­rifice to either. The individual keeps his identity within the organisation but at the same time he respects the organisation need for co-ordination. If the individual is a member of the organisation, he will [...]

By |2016-11-02T06:00:30+05:30November 2, 2016|Objectives|Comments Off on Individual Objectives and Organisational Objectives
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