Tag Archives | Product Mix

Branding: Definition, Importance, Types, Functions, Decisions and Strategies [with examples]

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Definition of Branding 2. Importance of Branding 3. Types of Brand 4. Functions 5. Brand Building 6. Decisions 7. Dynamics 8. Architecture 9. Hierarchy 10. Extension and Stretching 11. Brand Name Strategies 12. Creating Brand Image 13. Brand Legacy 14. Advantages [with examples]. Definition of Branding: "Brand is a name, term, sign, [...]

By |2018-07-24T06:07:42+05:30July 24, 2018|Branding|Comments Off on Branding: Definition, Importance, Types, Functions, Decisions and Strategies [with examples]

Product Diversification: Objectives and Forms | Product Mix | Production

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Meaning of Product Diversification 2. Objectives of Product Diversification 3. Forms 4. Factors Motivating It . Meaning of Product Diversification: The term 'product diversifi­cation' is sometimes called 'product differentiation'. Product diversifica­tion is a part of product line decisions'. The word diversification means that something new will be added. It may refer to [...]

By |2017-03-04T15:07:45+05:30March 4, 2017|Production Management|Comments Off on Product Diversification: Objectives and Forms | Product Mix | Production

Product Mix: Concept and Factors | India | Company Management

In this article we will discuss about the concept of product mix and the factors influencing it. Concept of Product Mix: Product mix refers to the depth and width of product policy of a company. It is concerned with product diversity, i.e. how far a company can or should diversify its products. It is defined as "the composite of products [...]

By |2017-03-04T15:07:45+05:30March 4, 2017|Product Mix|Comments Off on Product Mix: Concept and Factors | India | Company Management
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