Tag Archives | Groups

Top 6 Functions Performed by Groups

This article throws light upon the top six functions performed by groups in order to improve organisational performance. The functions are: 1. Assignment of Roles 2. Group Norms and Conformity 3. Group Cohesiveness 4. Group Decision-Making 5. Group Communication 6. Informal Leadership. Function # 1. Assignment of Roles: Role refers to a set of expected behaviour patterns attributed to someone [...]

By |2016-08-09T07:56:12+05:30August 9, 2016|Organisation|Comments Off on Top 6 Functions Performed by Groups

Why do People Join Informal Groups? (2 Reasons)

Get the answer of: Why do People Join Informal Groups? Internal Reasons: People join groups because they meet their personal needs. Groups satisfy group needs in the following ways: (a) Interpersonal Attraction: There is a basic need in human beings to care for, help and be useful to others. When people have similar attitudes, personality, economic status, values and beliefs, [...]

By |2016-08-09T07:56:12+05:30August 9, 2016|Organisation|Comments Off on Why do People Join Informal Groups? (2 Reasons)

Classification of Groups: 3 Types

Groups can be categorized as follows: I. Formal and informal groups, II. Primary and secondary groups and III. Small and large group. Type # 1. Formal and Informal Groups: Formal Groups: Formal groups are deliberately created to carry out specific tasks for attainment of organisational goals. These groups have clearly defined authority-responsibility relationships, communication channels, rules and regulations to govern [...]

By |2016-08-09T07:56:12+05:30August 9, 2016|Organisation|Comments Off on Classification of Groups: 3 Types
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