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Types of Companies

The company is the most effective vehicle yet discovered to manage and control modern business enterprise. Other forms of organisation may outnumber it, but most business is transacted by companies. In fact, the company pervades the economic and social life all over the world, because of so many advantages it enjoys over other forms of organisa­tion. Some of the types [...]

By |2020-10-23T11:54:14+05:30October 23, 2020|Types of Companies|Comments Off on Types of Companies

Company: Introduction, Evolution, Features, Classification, Formation and Advantages

The company is an instrument that unites the efforts of great number of people -shareholders, directors, members of the top management team and the functional or departmental managers and their subordin­ates. The shareholders who provide the funds for the company are commonly regarded as the 'owner' of the company and its business and property. Legally, they are not the owners; [...]

By |2020-08-04T15:57:08+05:30August 4, 2020|Company|Comments Off on Company: Introduction, Evolution, Features, Classification, Formation and Advantages


The company is an instrument that unites the efforts of great number of people -shareholders, directors, members of the top management team and the functional or departmental managers and their subordin­ates. The shareholders who provide the funds for the company are commonly regarded as the 'owner' of the company and its business and property. Legally, they are not the owners; [...]

By |2020-08-04T15:57:08+05:30August 4, 2020|Company|Comments Off on Company
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