Tag Archives | Europe

Policies Affecting Corporate Control: Direct & Indirect | Europe | Business

In this article we will discuss about the direct and indirect policies affecting corporate control in Europe. Policies Directly Affecting Corporate Control: A number of directives have already been adopted in the field of company law, independently of the White Paper. Five directives deal with company law issues in the strict sense of the word, four with accounting matters. The [...]

By |2018-08-13T05:43:08+05:30August 13, 2018|Europe|Comments Off on Policies Affecting Corporate Control: Direct & Indirect | Europe | Business

Developments having Effect on Corporate Governance | Europe | Business

Despite the stalemate on the EU's corporate governance directives, five developments are increasingly having the effect of reducing the specificities of systems, opening national markets to international competition and augmenting the importance of stock markets: 1. Growing Role of Institutional Investors 2. Integration of Capital Markets 3. Harmonisation of Accounting Standards 4. Shareholder Activism 5. Privatisation. 1. Growing Role of [...]

By |2018-08-13T05:43:08+05:30August 13, 2018|Europe|Comments Off on Developments having Effect on Corporate Governance | Europe | Business

Corporate Governance in Europe | Business

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction to Corporate Governance 2. Market and Financial Indicators of Corporate Governance 3. Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) 4. Corporate Governance Environment 5. European Union and Corporate Governance. Contents: Introduction to Corporate Governance Market and Financial Indicators of Corporate Governance Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) of Corporate Governance Corporate Governance Environment European Union and [...]

By |2018-08-13T05:43:08+05:30August 13, 2018|Europe|Comments Off on Corporate Governance in Europe | Business
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