Tag Archives | Decisions

Types of Decisions: Programmed and Non-Programmed

After reading this article you will learn about the programmed and non-programmed decisions. Programmed Decisions: Decisions related to structured situations, where the problem is more or less routine and repetitive in nature are known as programmed decisions. For example, problems related to leave are solved by policy relating to leave rules. Employees who take leave according to leave rules Eire [...]

By |2016-08-09T07:56:14+05:30August 9, 2016|Decision Making|Comments Off on Types of Decisions: Programmed and Non-Programmed

Top 4 Techniques Adopted by Group Members to Take Decisions

This article throws light upon the top four techniques adopted by group members to take decisions. The techniques are: 1. Meetings 2. Brainstorming 3. Nominal Group Technique 4. Delphi Technique. Technique # 1. Meetings: Meeting is gathering of people to discuss a common issue. Members gather to discuss issues mentioned in the agenda and make various decisions. The chairperson controls [...]

By |2016-08-09T07:56:14+05:30August 9, 2016|Decision Making|Comments Off on Top 4 Techniques Adopted by Group Members to Take Decisions
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