Tag Archives | Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance: Evolution, Challenges, Globalisation and Uniform Standards

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Evolution of Corporate Governance 2. Challenges for Corporate Governance in the Developing World 3. Globalisation and the Relevance of Corporate Governance 4. Firms are Disciplined by Contestable Markets 5. Uniform Standards and Gaining Currency. Contents: Evolution of Corporate Governance Challenges for Corporate Governance in the Developing World Globalisation and the Relevance of [...]

By |2018-08-13T05:43:08+05:30August 13, 2018|Corporate Governance|Comments Off on Corporate Governance: Evolution, Challenges, Globalisation and Uniform Standards

Corporate Governance in Kuwait (Middle East) | Business

The subject of corporate governance has gained increased attention as a result of substantial changes in the role of the private sector in economic development and in providing job opportunities, in addition to increased awareness of the important role of companies in the economy. In recent years, corporate governance has received special attention from the economic managements of various countries, [...]

By |2018-08-13T05:43:08+05:30August 13, 2018|Countries|Comments Off on Corporate Governance in Kuwait (Middle East) | Business

Policies Affecting Corporate Control: Direct & Indirect | Europe | Business

In this article we will discuss about the direct and indirect policies affecting corporate control in Europe. Policies Directly Affecting Corporate Control: A number of directives have already been adopted in the field of company law, independently of the White Paper. Five directives deal with company law issues in the strict sense of the word, four with accounting matters. The [...]

By |2018-08-13T05:43:08+05:30August 13, 2018|Europe|Comments Off on Policies Affecting Corporate Control: Direct & Indirect | Europe | Business
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