Archive | Communication

4 Important Skills Required to Make Communication Effective

This article throws light upon the four important skills required by sender and receiver of information to make communication effective. The skills are: 1. Verbal Skills 2. Non-Verbal Skills 3. Listening Skills 4. Feedback Skills. 1. Verbal Skills: These skills relate to a person's (sender's or receiver's) knowledge of vocabulary, fluency in speaking, reading and writing. When a message is [...]

By |2016-08-09T07:55:35+05:30August 9, 2016|Communication|Comments Off on 4 Important Skills Required to Make Communication Effective

Barriers to Communication in an Organisation

After reading this article you will learn about the technical, language and psychological barriers to communication.  Technical Barriers: Technical barriers refer to physical, social and informational environment in which the message is transmitted. Some of the important technical barriers are as follows: 1. Timing: Timely transmission of information is important if senders want receivers to obey the instructions. Factories where [...]

By |2016-08-09T07:55:35+05:30August 9, 2016|Communication|Comments Off on Barriers to Communication in an Organisation

Notes, Effectiveness of the Communication Process: 15 Factors

This article throws light upon the fifteen main factors that increase the effectiveness of the communication process. Some of the factors are: 1. Formal Communication Channel 2. Authority Structure 3. Clarity 4. Completeness of Information 5. Information Ownership 6. Conciseness 7. Develop Listening Habits (Consideration) 8. Correctness 9. Courtesy 10. Focus on Needs 11. Informal Communication System and Others. Factor [...]

By |2016-08-09T07:55:35+05:30August 9, 2016|Communication|Comments Off on Notes, Effectiveness of the Communication Process: 15 Factors
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